Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just Say Ho

We've trivialized all of the other girl put-down words.  "Dame" and "broad" used to be edgy gangster terms.  Now they just sound silly.    You can make life a legal nightmare for your sexist supervisor if he substitutes honey, baby or sugar for your God-given name.  We've claimed  the word "chick."  I'm also proud that in my lifetime, we've even taken the bite out of the female dog term.  In your face, Snoop Dogg!  "Bitch" is no longer a word we can't say on the radio.  In fact, I remember when pop radio stations had Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch" in heavy rotation (http://popup.lala.com/popup/576742236132675147.  Some gal pals even use the word quite lovingly.  I think its time for "bitches" to move on.

Next up is ho (if you're from the old skool it was probably remember it being spelled differently on the bathroom stall doors).  I think the only way to tame this monster is to take it over.  The ho costume was so popular at Halloween that party stores added ho accessories to the inventory! (http://www.candyapplecostumes.com/pimps_hos.html?gclid=CK7gtrC3gp4CFYlM2god92Ripg)
We've got to stop the madness.  My strategy is to make it positive.  Our best friends and sisters must become our Support Ho's.  Girls who plant flowers must become Garden Ho's.  Call Nancy Reagan!  Let's lobby her to change the name of her campaign to "Just Say Ho!"

Sadly, during the 2008 presidential primaries,  when I saw a college kid sporting a "Bro's before Ho's" t-shirt featuring Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, I knew we had a long way to go.  But I think we can do this.  If we don't the next generation of girls will have a hard road to hoe (http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+hard+row+to+hoe).
(really bad pun very much intended)

1 comment:

ForeverElliot'sMommy said...

Okay, so how do I "friend" you so I can get your updates on my dashboard??? Still kinda a newbie...