Friday, July 9, 2010

Weepy Woman

I tear up when I'm laughing, I tear up when feeling sentimental and if I'm disappointed... bring me a bucket.  I usually can't help it, but Friday I was prepared.

"Charlotte Today" has been looking for a co-host.  I tossed my hat in the ring, thinking it'd be an awesome way to cross-promote my radio gig and earn some extra cash.  It became pretty clear to me that I wasn't their chosen one, so when I got an email from the producer about meeting, I braced myself for rejection.  I practiced telling them how much I'd enjoyed the experience, how much I'd learned, how much I'd love to help out whenever they needed me...  When the small talk ended and Mary, the producer, launched into the tough decision they had to make... I felt it.  Not the "wow, what a touching Hallmark commercial" tears. I felt the "I tried so hard yet my dreams are being crushed" tears.

Other management types have experienced it.  When turned down for a big raise and promotion I cried during my first contract negotiations.  When the boss told me I couldn't have Good Friday off, you would've thought I'd been stabbed in the heart by my first love.  You don't have to tell me its not professional, but at least you know I'm passionate, right?

Well, for the first time EVER, I didn't cry.  Believe me, I was close, but I distracted myself with a few jokes (pretended those jokes were so funny they made my eyes water).  It may sound like what the losers ALWAYS say, but I am truly grateful for the opportunity.  I got the chance to plug the Matt and Ramona Show during our spring book, gained a little confidence in the kitchen and hopefully people will feel sorry enough for me to nominate me to co-host on Regis and Kelly for a day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hang in there. You will be fine and they see your greatnees.