Monday, March 29, 2010

Making the Bed is Making me Weak

I'm getting weak.  This spring I celebrate my two year anniversary of having my home on the market.  I am really sick of having my home on the market.

Around Thanksgiving I got a shady cash offer (the money that was supposed to be wired from overseas never showed up).  A few weeks ago I got an offer so low that I'd have to cash in my retirement fund and get a part-time job saying "welcome to Walmart" just to be able to pay off my mortgage.  Frankly, just yesterday I was considering it.

My mom, Wheezy, says "hang in there."  She has faith that we'll get a fair offer soon.  I know my neighbors are routing for us, too.  After all, it'll hurt their property values if I sell too low.    MSN's real estate experts side with mom.  Their advice is to "stay the course" until prices are on the upswing.  Easier said than done.  The "for sale" sign in the yard is actually starting to get rusty and I yearn for the day when I can leave the house without making my bed.   But I'm staying put and cheering for other homeowners who are getting viable offers.  I figure once you sell your house, maybe you'd like to buy mine.... PLEASE!?!?!

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