Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Skinny Pictures

As I was leafing through a box of old pictures I cam across some photos from my days at Penn State. The next box had several pictures taken right after a Jenny Craig endorsement in the mid 90's. In the college pix I was a size 13. Post Jenny I was a size 8 (for about three months). I can't remember ever thinking I was thin, but it sure would be nice to be either of those sizes again.


jnet blogs said...

Okay Ramona...where are the pics? I am in desperate need of inspiration...bordering on a size 18 here...struggling to stay in my 16s. I need inspiration!

Kim said...

I have several pictures like those. They are posted in my closet along with the size 8 sundress hanging by itself to remind me that I use to be that size and could fit in them. Kind of like my inspiration, or as the life coaches on Oprah would say. They are my Law of Attraction.

Mostly just telling me get back working out everyday like you did back then.