Is it possible to have a favorite TV show that works your last nerve like a 9-to-5 job? For me, that show is "Dancing With the Stars." For a lifelong fan of theater this cheese-laden show has it all. I love the wild costumes even though sometimes the dancers are shockingly damn near naked. The live orchestra is great even though there is one singer who wears a silly-looking headband every week. Tom, the host, is witty and keeps the showing moving even though Samantha, the co-host, makes me want to put my foot through the TV screen. Do you see a pattern here? For everything I love about the show there is an equally annoying "even though" situation.
I often agree with the comments of the judges, even though their scores don't make sense... see what I man about the "even though." Susan Lucci, who is now going by her soap opera character name, Erica Cane, comes across as stiff and phony yet she gets scored undeservedly high. Brooke has earned the only 10 of the season, but while she is beautiful and graceful, her dancing isn't more difficult or well-executed than Lance's routines.
It is sooo obvious that the judges want Cloris to hang around. I must admit, with her 82-year old flexibility and the way she fearlessly puts her floppies on display, she is very entertaining to watch. But there is no way she should outscore anybody. The same goes for Warren. Fun to watch, but he isn't in the same league with Cody or Toni. As for Maurice... his professional partner's facial expressions make it clear that he is really is as doofy as I suspect. Send him home please!!
If the judges don't start interjecting some reality-based scores into this reality show I may stop watching. I already record Dancing's Tuesday show so that I can watch "Fringe" and fast forward through Samantha. Can we send her home too?
I agree totally Ramona! I love Dancing With The Stars. I have been watching since season two. However, since they sent Samatha Bryan(?) home, I have not had the same urge that I once had to watch the show.
I believe that there should be some kind of loophole when people that don't deserve to stay gets voted back on over the people who derserve to say that actully are improving every week and are taking what the judges say to heart.
There has also got to be some kind of consistancy in the judges scores/advice as well. I love Lance Bass (gay or not, always have). He tries to please the judges by going "traditional" and he still gets slammed.
I think I will watch this season, and POSSIBLY give next season a try, but after that, I doubt I watch anylonger until they make some changes and stop putting people on the show that they know prolly wont be able to dance correctly (Cloris, Jerry, Etc.)
Totally agree!!!! They need to make some serious changes or risk losing fans. Who was the first pro voted off (can't remember her name) - I really don't like her, it always seems her focus is on her and how few clothes she can wear, and you could tell she really didn't like her partner this season - normally she's all over her partners but you could tell from the look on her face she couldn't stand for this guy to touch her. She needs to go, Samatha Harris and even amazing Cloris - have to go.
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