Some TV kids are the victims of poor writing, some are the victims of their own lack of talent and some simply play characters that are so unlikable and annoying that you want to immediately put them on time out.
Sorry kids your character was just unnecessary or unlikable:
Juanita - Desperate Housewives (A bully and unpleasant child character. My mom spends every episode describing what she'd do to whip the kid into shape. She makes Nelly Olsen look like an angel)
Richie and Judy- Family Matters (Richie was a pint-sized Lionel Richie hired ONLY because somebody thought he was cute. It was never explained what happend to Judy, Laura and Eddie's younger sister. she was so useless her character disppeared with no explanation because nobdy cared)
DJ - Roseanne (they switched Beckys, but everybody wishes they had just sent DJ off to live with one of his wacky grandmothers)
Any kid added just because the series was getting stale. This means you Cousin Oliver on Brady Bunch, Sam on Diff'rent Strokes and Nicky Banks on Fresh Prince.
Some kids just aren't good actors. They start out cute, but their acting skills are nil. But the most unforgivable are the kids on reality TV. Jon and Kate are doing little Maddie any favors by showing her tantrums. The same goes for ALL the kids on Nanny 911 and about half the kids on Wife Swap and Toddlers in Tiaras.
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