I've seen it before, but every time it happens it touches my heart. Its when people turn personal tragedies into triumph. These aren't grand miracles. They are the acts of everyday people who do extraordinary things when faced with horrible situations.
A dad I met while volunteering at a shelter had lost his job. Sitting around and feeling sorry for himself wasn't an option. Since his son had the day off from school, they were spending the day at Hall House (http://achildsplace.org/hallhouse.html) helping out people who were less fortunate.
A mom, Alice McGinley, lost her son to suicide (http://www.1079thelink.com/leadinglady/link_lady.cfm;jsessionid=a630305c92e46ea25e94407417321e5d2818?ID=188). She started a support group called H.U.G.S. (Healing and Understanding Grief from Suicide). She volunteers her time and her heart to meet with people who've lost a loved one to suicide.
A businessman, Paul Zimmerman from Ashdown Roses, who after finding out a friend had lost a daughter, named a new breed of rose after the baby girl and donates 40% of the proceeds to the March of Dimes (http://www.mattandramona.com/page.cfm?ID=236).
My friend Sharon Decker is one of those people who is always saying wise things. We were talking a few weeks ago and she said, "each of us can do something to bring misery to and end." I know she's right. Tragedy may knock the wind out of us. It may leave us feeling helpless, lonely or sad, but looking beyond the darkness to help others find the light? I think that's a big life lesson for all of us.
Very inspiring...the Grayson Rose description on your website is very touching. There are good people out there in this world doing great things...in our times of sorrow, stress, sadness, worry we must remain hopeful. Thank you for you Ramona...you are also a Triumph...one day I will meet you and give you a hug!
You, too, Ramona Holloway, are one of these people. Just in the way you live your life. Thank you!
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