Monday, January 5, 2009

Resolutions Shmesolutions

I'm becoming a New Year's resolution Hater (yes, the capital H is intentional). Every year I vow to eat healthier, drink more water, get more exercise, get more organized, read my Bible more, learn how to say "no," and do a better job of keeping in touch with loved ones. It's now 2009 and I'm roughly the same size I was when I vowed to get healthier (because you know I associate good health with getting into skinny girl gear). I'm still somewhat disorganized and over scheduled (because I hate saying "no" when nice people ask for my help). I don't have any new scriptures to quote because I'm still a spotty Bible reader. Finally, for the umpteenth year in a row, only my friends and family members whose last names begin in A, B or C will actually get a call or card from me. By the time I get to the D's I've usually strayed from my resolution to do a better job of keeping in touch.

It's not that I don't have resolution support. Yoga pants and track suits have been moved closer to the entrances of my favorite department stores. All the diet companies from Slim Fast to Jenny Craig are offering assistance. Self Help authors are getting the prime spots at my local book store ( My Satisfied Life Co-host, Sharon (, bought me a daily devotional book to encourage more Bible time. Even the grocery store around the corner is getting into the act. Lowes Foods ( has lean ground turkey on sale this week. At every turn a commercial, cousin or comrade is reminding me about those darn resolutions. Can I just eat my french fries in the car while running late to a meeting in peace this year? Let's face it... running late is probably the only running I'll be doing anyway.

I almost gave up on resolutions. Then it hit me when my friend Karen asked me today about which ones I'd made. I was too embarrassed to say, "none." In my head it sounded like I'd given up on trying to be a better person. So, I told her that I resolved to get more organized... and eat healthier... you know the drill.

This is one of those "glass half full" situations where I can choose to bemoan the fact that I rarely stick with my resolutions for the entire year or I can applaud the fact that every year I have a pretty good run of taking care of my body, mind and spirit during the first quarter.
I think its better to have resolved and failed than never to have resolved at all. Imagine what my thighs would look like if I didn't start every year by doing morning leg lifts for a few weeks?(sorry for that visual)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know what you mean Ramona, I like your point of view. I gave up this year and resolved to take vitamins!! (hey it's a start right?) I am going to resolve to eat healthier and exercise more because of your blog post! Happy New Year!!