If you put a dozen super-models on a scale their total weight wouldn't come close to the number of pounds I've gained and lost since my first diet at age 11.
Weight loss inspiration has come from various sources. My first diet was inspired by some serious teasing from Kent Falana in 5th grade. My second diet was inspired by comparisons to my skinny cousin Michelle. There have been other motivators along the way... designer jeans, dance and step competions, a fraternity guy named Sugarbear, a couple good weight loss info-mercials, Janet Jackson's weight loss, a close relative with diabetes....
Even though my grandmother, mother and three out of four of my aunts have diabetes, I must shamefully admit that health has not been on top of my list of weight loss motivators. I have mostly just yearned to buy cute clothes in smaller sizes and to turn heads in those cute little outfits.
I wonder if there are a lot of women like me. I still can't resist reading a story about a chunky celebrity who went from drab to fab (chick magazines love rhymes like that). I know how Mariah Carey lost those last ten stubborn pounds. I've read about how J-Lo dropped her baby weight. I followed the weight loss sagas of Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli and got really excited when Jenny Craig helped them slim down. I came this close to buying a bottle of Trim Spa when I saw Anna Nicole get back into Playboy shape. But sometimes you gotta call BULL!
Queen Latifah looks exactly the same? She (and her management) were smart to say that she was just doing the Jenny program to eat healthier. But I think for many of us the energy boost that comes from shedding pounds has always been just a positive side effect of moving from plus sizes to misses sizes.
1 comment:
You are not alone my friend, you are not alone.
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